Privacy Policy

I care about your privacy, so please find here some information about it.

Who is collecting data?

Responsible for this website is Sven Lieber, Gent Belgium.

What data is being collected?

First of all, no personal data are collected, stored or processed on this server! This website is powered by the software Hugo, which is a static site generator. That means that the whole website is generated once, and each visitor gets the same already generated HTML site when navigating to it. Additionally the loading of the website happens via https, which means that the HTML file which will be displayed in your Browser is transferred to you encrypted.

However, this site makes use of certain services which might collect personal data.


GoogleAnalytics is used to gather statistics regarding website visits. According to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), IP-addresses are considered personal data. The GoogleAnalytics plugin of this website ( anonymizes IP-addresses as soon as possible, so no IP-addresses are stored or processed on this server and are not send to Google.


As mentioned, this website is statically generated, therefore it is not possible to add your content in form of comments to it. The software Disqus is used to offer you the feature of commenting blog posts. It is a different service, you can find its privacy policy here or linked below the actual commenting text-field.


This website makes use of fonts from Google. These fonts are requested by your Browser from a Google server without sending any other login information like e.g. your Gmail account. A lot of websites are using these fonts, whereas it is possible that when you visiting this site (, the fonts used are already in your Browser cache. That means they are temporarily stored in your Browser and are not again requested from the Google server. Please find more information at Google Fonts & Privacy. For any other information how Google collect and process data, please consider reading their Privacy Policy.

What rights do YOU have?

The GDPR grants you the following rights:

  • Right to information
  • Right to access
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to be forgotten
  • Right to limit the processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object to certain uses of personal data and to automated decision-making and profiling

That means you can instruct me to hand out all personal information I collected about you, to correct it or to delete it. As described in What data is being collected?, I do not collect any personal information about you.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via the given contact information.